Successes of the IV cycle celebrated in the Museum of Contemporary Arts
On December 15th Creative Mentorship community celebrated the finalization of another program cycle in the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Belgrade. This celebration gathered mentees and mentors of the current cycle, but also alumni, colleagues, guests and partners who support Creative Mentorship.
Prior to the celebration a final workshop for mentoring couples was held, with the title “How to wrap a mentoring relationship?”, aiming to prepare mentees and mentors for their last formal session in January 2019 and for the finalization of the program. This workshop helps them to reflect on the achieved results, as well as challenges they have faced; to agree as clearly as possible on the potential follow up communication and collaboration; for mentees to plan further personal and professional development after the official end of the program.
- Download our Mentoring Guide!
- Take a look at the Mentoring Tools we prepared within our online Knowledge Base:
- Access to some of the Mentoring Tools is enabled only to the Creative Mentorship community and our partners.
At this occasion, all participants and mentors of the IV generation received their Thank You Notes as well as the Creative Mentorship Ambassador`s Pins, designed by ceramics artist Ivana Rackov and wore by CM alumni and partners.
We are thankful to the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Belgrade for welcoming us in their amazing venue, and we are especially happy for organizing guided tour for our participants, friends and partners of “Creative Mentorship” throughout the permanent exhibition of the Museum
Celebration started at 8 pm with the performance of the string quartet Intermezzo, whose violinist Milena Rajković was a mentee, and this year a mentor in our program.
Meet mentorship couple Milena and Vlada!
Participants, mentors, alumni and guests were first addressed by Dragana Jevtić, Founder and Director of “Creative Mentorship”, who pointed out the importance of this program to our society and expressed gratitude to all mentees, mentors and partners on their participation and significant contribution to the program. Guests were also addressed by Tim Standaert, Public Affairs Counselor of the US Embassy in Belgrade, which is main sponsor of the IV CM cycle, and by Joachim Waern, who is in double function within Creative Mentorship – as a Deputy Head of Mission at the Embassy of Sweden in Belgrade, which is supporting us from the very beginning, but also as a mentor in this generation.
This years sponsors next to Embassy of US and Sweden were MEDICON, Coca Cola Hellenic, Titan Cement Factory Kosjerić, ERSTE bank, Institut Francais and Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, whose support made the realization of Creative Mentorship throughout 2018 possible.
On behalf of international Advisory Board of “Creative Mentorship”, guests were also addressed, congratulated and thanked by Larisa Halilović, British Council Director for Bosnia and Herzegovina, who drew our attention to the important roles of mentees and mentors in the development of our societies and creating meaningful leadership in our communities.
As one of the most devoted and successful mentoring couples, on behalf of participants spoke Lana Nikolić, young journalist of public broadcasting service Radio Belgrade 202 and Miša Stojiljković, editor and journalist of Radio Belgrade 1, who spoke about their personal experience of mentoring, joint journey they undertook a year ago and the extraordinary relationship they manage to establish.
Last but not least, a Program Manager Tatjana Nikolić thanked to the program partners Nova Iskra, Mokrin House, Vizartis printing company, Cultural Centre Parobrod and web portal for their contribution to the IV CM cycle; educational partners GI Group HR Solutions, Epic Assistants, Motivtim and Pamela von Sabljar; as well as all members of the team, volunteers, representatives of media and Intermezzo quartet who raised the quality and atmosphere of the event and enriched it.
Fourth cycle of “Creative Mentorship” program officially ends in January with the final session of mentoring couples and annual program evaluation, while the open call of the jubilee V generation is to be expected in April 2019. In the fifth cycle, network of “Creative Mentorship” will be enlarged with 25 new mentoring couples, when our community will consists of 250 ambassadors of the idea of mentoring, personal and professional development, lifelong learning and sharing.
Enjoy in the photos from the final workshop and celebration in the Museum of Contemporary Arts!