“Creative mentorship” affirms mentoring as a tool of personal and professional development, strengthens the capacities of the cultural sector and provides support to prospective professionals interested in developing, networking and sharing knowledge and experience. We want to build, gather and support a community of motivated and socially responsible individuals that will contribute to the development of a society based on creativity, culture, knowledge and mutual cooperation.



Have a look at the extended and elaborated set of Mentoring Tools, created to spark creativity and ease communication in the mentoring relationship.

Over the course of 10 years of Creative Mentorship programme in Serbia and the region of Western Balkans, as well as based on the knowledge and insights gathered through international initiative “Reinventing Mentorship in Arts Management”, these Mentoring Tools are developed and / or collected to be of use to mentees, mentors, as well as coordinators of mentoring schemes.

The colour of the tool indicates the role it is designed for:

Each Tool starts with an explanation of the context in which it could be used, as well as the goal that one could achieve by using it. Step-by-step instructions explain the mentoring process techniques, followed by a template that could be printed. These PDF templates are the essence of each tool. They are designed to provide guidance and inspiration, to be a starting point for discussions, and to support the mentoring process. Therefore, the most important part of the Tools is the way in which you will use them and the content that you will create by using them.

Please let us know what you think about the Mentoring Tools: Did you use them? Which ones do you find the most useful? How could we improve them together? Please, feel free to send an email to “Creative Mentorship” team with your comments, suggestions, and questions!

“Reinventing Mentorship in Arts Management” was the Erasmus+ strategic partnership project that took place from 2020 to 2023 led by the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre as coordinator with the Latvian Academy of Culture (Riga), University of the Basque Country (Bilbao), University of Antwerp, Creative Mentorship (Belgrade, Serbia) and Estonian Theatre for Young Audiences (Tallinn) as partner institutions, who made their contribution to creating, building and collecting these tools.

Download the full set of tools as a booklet, or filter individual tools using the fields below:

Agenda for the 90 min session
It is the responsibility of a mentee to think of a topic for discussion and to bring their questions to the table. This tool can assist you in the preparation of a discussion theme for a session.
Preparatory questions for the first mentoring session
Get ready for the first mentoring session. After you complete this exercise, the filled-out material could be a reminder of your expectations from the mentoring process, and a way to check the direction along the way.
Mid-term reflection
Many things change during the mentoring process: our goals, frequency of mentoring sessions, conversation topics and development fields. Use this visual activity for reflecting on your mentoring relationship - separately or together with your mentor.
Mentorship experiences
Have a look at these videos in which mentees and mentors share their experiences of mentorship. It can demistify some of the questions or doubts about impact that a mentoring relationship may have on people or creative industries in general.
Conversation models
This tool could be useful to both mentors and mentees. It offers several templates that can help you structure your mentoring conversations. Choose the appropriate model based on the aim of your discussion.
How to be inclusive in mentoring
This tool lists 15 guidelines for diversity and inclusion in mentorship programmes. This will help you to examine whether there are practices in your environment that may be exclusive, and reflect on your role and actions towards inclusive mentoring.
Preparatory questions for the first mentoring session
Get ready for the first mentoring session. After you complete this exercise, the filled-out material could be a reminder of your expectations from the mentoring process, and a way to check the direction along the way.
Planning the final session
This tool can help mentors to prepare for the final session with their mentee - for celebrating their success and planning the future steps.
The right questions
Read through the examples of detective, investigative and encouraging questions that you could use during mentoring sessions.
Practical tips for coordinators
This tool is designed to help coordinators avoid some of the common traps in building a mentorship programme.
Programme evaluation
This tool offers two templates for the Evaluations at the end of the programme - one for mentors and one for mentees. Coordinators could use these templates as a starting point, and adapt them to the purpose and context of their programme.
Beyond the conversation / Is there anything else to do?
The new learning opportunities in a mentoring relationship could be created through one (or more) of the interactions on this list. Use this tool as inspiration, and think about what would work the best for your mentoring relationship.
This tool is about match-making, one of the most important and complex activities in a mentorship programme.
Learning through mentorship
See mentoring as a way of enhancing knowledge-sharing and co-creation. Read about different types of knowledges, explore external resources on this topic, and consider a practical activity that you can do with your mentor.
Kick-off checklist
This tool outlines the critical components to take into account when planning the kick-off meeting.
This tool is designed to support you in defining your goal in the mentoring process. It can be focused on your own development, on the cultural industries landscape, or on a project you are working on at the moment.
Mentorship programme visualisation
This tool is a sketch of the typical milestones of a mentoring programme.
Ten tips for a mentee
This tool is designed to help mentees avoid some of the common traps in building a mentoring relationship.
A regular reflection on the mentoring process is a key to the successful mentoring relationship. Use these questions to monitor the progress between two mentoring sessions.
Online mentoring
This tool outlines the basic considerations for a successful online mentoring interaction.
Promotion: sharing stories
This tool outlines best-practice approaches to marketing and PR strategies for mentorship programmes in culture, art and creative industries.
The rules of the game
The rules of the game define what is and what is not allowed during the mentoring process, between a mentor and a mentee. It offers several examples of well-defined mentoring relationship rules.
Online mentoring
This tool outlines the basic considerations for a successful online mentoring interaction.
Code of ethics
Get to know the main pillars of an ethical and respectful mentoring relationship.
This tool is designed to both support coordinators in organising a Goal-setting workshop for mentees, and to support them in defining the goals for the mentorship programme itself.
Active listening
Active listening is one of the most important tools used in the mentoring process. This tool highlights some of the techniques that you can apply to your conversations.
Planning the final session
Prepare yourself for the final session with your mentor - for celebrating your success and planning the future steps.
Mid-term reflection
Many things change during the mentoring process: our goals, frequency of mentoring sessions, conversation topics and development fields. Use this visual activity for reflecting on your mentoring relationship - separately or together with your mentee.
Ten tips for a mentor
This tool is designed to help mentors avoid some of the common traps in building a mentoring relationship.
Examples of topics for the mentoring sessions
Get inspired about the topics that you could open with your mentor.
Examples of topics for the mentoring sessions
Get inspired about the topics that you could open with your mentee.
Beyond the conversation / Is there anything else to do?
The new learning opportunities in a mentoring relationship could be created through one (or more) of the interactions on this list. Use this tool as inspiration, and think about what would work the best for your mentoring relationship.
A regular reflection on the mentoring process is a key to the successful mentoring relationship. Use these questions to monitor the progress between two mentoring sessions.
Code of ethics
Remind yourself of the main pillars of an ethical and respectful mentoring relationship. Use the reflective questions to explore your mentoring approaches.
Learning through mentorship
See mentoring as a way of enhancing knowledge-sharing and co-creation. Read about different types of knowledges, explore external resources on this topic, and consider a practical activity that you can do with your mentee.
Learning outcomes
This tool is designed to support coodrinators in advocating for a mentorship programme within an organisation or institution, and in recruiting mentors and mentees. It lists some of the learning outcomes that a mentoring process can bring to different parties.
Mentor profiles
This tool will help you to reflect on the role of a mentor, and map opportunities in which a structured mentoring approach can help strenghten the mentoring culture and practices in your organisation/university.
Programme procedures
This tool outlines the main responsibilities of a mentorship programme coordinator. It can be used as a Terms of Reference document for a role of a coordinator, as well as an outline of a strucutre of a mentorship programme.
Mentorship experiences
Have a look at these videos in which mentees and mentors share their experiences of mentorship. It can demistify some of the questions or doubts about impact that a mentoring relationship may have on people or creative industries in general.
How to be inclusive in mentoring
This tool lists 15 guidelines for diversity and inclusion in mentorship programmes. This will help you to examine whether there are practices in your environment that may be exclusive, and reflect on your role and actions towards inclusive mentoring.
Conversation models
This tool could be useful to both mentors and mentees. It offers several templates that can help you structure your mentoring conversations. Choose the appropriate model based on the aim of your discussion.
Learning through mentorship
This tool will help you to see mentoring as a way of enhancing knowledge-sharing and co-creation. It explains different types of knowledges, points to external resources on this topic, and provides questions for exploring the capacity for knowledge-sharing in mentoring, within your organisaition.
Code of ethics
This tool outlines the main pillars of an ethical and respectful mentorship programme coordination. It also provides reflective questions for a coordinator to explore their approaches.
Mentor profiles
Reflect on the role of a mentor, and map situations in your life in which you have been one.
A mentee’s reflection
You can fill in this template after each meeting or use the questions to structure your notes. This way, you will keep a journal of personal development and track the direction of your mentoring relationship.
Communicating with mentors and mentees
The way coordinators communicate with programme participants is of great importance for creating a sense of belonging to the group, connection, and trust among both mentors and mentees. This tool maps six levels of communication within a programme, that can serve as a guiding system for a coordinator in defining their interaction strategies.
The mentorship game
This is a set of instructions for a role-play that could serve as a supportive tool at the start and at any point in the process of a mentorship programme. It will support you in identifying multiple ways in which mentoring may take place in a university or organisation context, and in communicating this with both your mentors and mentees.
Agenda for the 90 min session
It is the responsibility of a mentee to think of a topic for discussion and to bring their questions to the table. However, sometimes the mentor will bring up themes that are important to discuss and work on. This tool can assist you in the preparation of a discussion theme for a session.
Online mentoring
This tool outlines the basic considerations for a successful online mentoring interaction.
The value of mentorship programmes
This tool higlights the benefits and added value that mentorship programme could have when building synergies between the government and university institutions. It can be used to inspire and advocate for mentoring approaches in conferences, meetings, and project proposals.
How to be inclusive in mentoring
This tool lists 15 guidelines for diversity and inclusion in mentorship programmes. This will help you to examine whether there are practices in your environment that may be exclusive, and reflect on your role and actions towards inclusive mentoring.
The right questions
Read through the examples of detective, investigative and encouraging questions that you could use during mentoring sessions.
This tool could help mentees to define their goals and identify areas where they need support throughout the mentoring process
Mentoring agreement
This tool offers a template of a Mentoring Agreement, but it is crucial that the coordinator adapts it to their programme, context and culture.
The rules of the game
The rules of the game define what is and what is not allowed during the mentoring process, between a mentor and a mentee. It offers several examples of well-defined mentoring relationship rules.
Mentorship experiences
Have a look at these videos in which mentees and mentors share their experiences of mentorship. It can demistify some of the questions or doubts about impact that a mentoring relationship may have on people or creative industries in general.
Active listening
Active listening is one of the most important tools used in the mentoring process. This tool highlights some of the techniques that you can apply to your conversations.