“Creative mentorship” affirms mentoring as a tool of personal and professional development, strengthens the capacities of the cultural sector and provides support to prospective professionals interested in developing, networking and sharing knowledge and experience. We want to build, gather and support a community of motivated and socially responsible individuals that will contribute to the development of a society based on creativity, culture, knowledge and mutual cooperation.



On Thursday, 6 March, the “Creative Metorship” programme manager  Tatjana Nikolić presented our programme at the first International Mentoring Conference in Ljubljana. The Conference was an outstanding opportunity to bring the attention to the importance of mentoring and to exchange information and experiences from various mentoring programmes and practices in the region and further afield.

The Conference began with presentations of different mentoring programmes. We became acquainted with experiences of our hosts, the Life Learning Academia, the Zavod Ypsilon, who promote mentoring as a tool for career orientation and inspiration among young people, the Central European Educational Center that develops educational programmes in the fields of tourism and hotel management. Also, the main aims, methodology, structure and results that the “Creative Metorship” programme achieved in the past 6 years – since it was launched, were presented, as well.

The Conference participants were introduced with the work of the Conference partners,  Megatrend University and Youth center Prlekije. Sonja Klopčić and Bojana Korošec shared their experience in mentoring, while dr Danijela Brečko and Simona Painkret from Sofos Institut, spoke about distance or online mentoring.

After the interesting presentation of the “Creative Metorship” programme, we were asked to join the round table discussion with the theme My first mentorship. Our programme manager, Tatjana Nikolić, spoke about her personal experience as a mentee, together with Sonja Klopčić, who leads womens’ mentoring programmes at Slovenian Association of Managers  and American Chamber of Commerce in Slovenia, Janez Bratovž, the best chef in Slovenia, dr Vlada Dimovski, professor at the Faculty of Economy in Ljubljana and Marjeta Kastner, one of the Conference hosts.

The International Mentoring Conference was organized by Life Learning Academia from  Ljubljana, that supports organizational development, learning and improvement in the corporative sector.

The hosts announced that the next Conference will be held in 2019, in Belgrade.

The photos from the Conference:

Kreativno mentorstvo u Ljubljani na Međunarodnoj mentorskoj konferenciji