Policy paper to support mentoring programs in culture at the European level
Together with colleagues from several European countries, cultural institutions and educational
institutions, we prepared a policy paper for the improvement of mentoring in the cultural sector.
In this document, the preparation of which was led by Dr. Ieva Zemite and Vita Dumpe from the
Latvian Academy of Culture in Riga, we highlighted a number of arguments, best practice examples
and relevant guidelines for professionals in the field of art and culture, cultural institutions and
organizations, faculties and universities, as well as decision-makers in education and culture in
European countries, towards more active introduction and development of mentoring programs.
The proposal is structured in four parts and prepared for now only in English:
1. Value Co-creation and Knowledge Sharing
2. Innovation and Digitalization
3. Diversity and Sustainability
4. Social Equality, Accessibility and Inclusion in the Cultural Sector
We are particularly proud that some segments of the 10-years-long work of "Creative Mentoring" are
listed as best practice examples that can be inspiring and significant for dissemination in other
European contexts and cultural scenes in order to strengthen the capacity of actors in the cultural
Apart from Creative Mentoring, the Latvian Academy of Culture, the University of the Basque
Country, the University of Antwerp, NUKU Theater for Children and Youth in Tallinn, and the Estonian
Academy of Music and Dance as the leader, are part of the "Reinventing Mentorship in Arts
Management" initiative. The initiative is supported by the European Union through the ERASMUS+
The document will soon be published in pdf format and free to download and distribute.